a guide to writing those ads that really sells
Does Internet marketing make you
dizzy? Well it did for me, these techniques works on both
offline ads and online ads.
Tired of wasting your money
and/or time placing ads that never get noticed? Want to know the
real secret to writing ads that pull like a powerful locomotive,
sending box cars packed with people racing to your website? Then
listen very carefully.
To write an ad that pulls like a
freight train requires just a little know-how and imagination,
that's all. Anyone can do it... even you! It's easy when you
implement what I'm about to show you.
Write attention
grabbing headlines, followed by very persuasive ad copy. You can't stop yourself from reading
sales letter all the way through. That's the secret weapon
and as simple as that may sound, it's NOT that easy to do when you
first attempt it.
To write killer ad copy, that
sells as well as ice cubes on a hot summer day, takes a little
practice and some understanding of people's root Amery psychological
makeup and behavior... some of which I will reveal to you very soon. The
good news is, you can learn how to write very compelling ad copy if
you pay close attention to the information I'm about to reveal to
Either learn how
to write killer ad copy or pay a pro to do it for
you. Otherwise you will never succeed selling your
products online. Sure, you may have some mediocre success, but
if your copy is just average, so will your success. It can be
the difference of you earning $1,000 a year versus $500,000 a year!
While the information above may
sound a bit obvious, few online businesses ever apply it. I
have seen more people pour their hard earned money into Web design,
rather than powerful ad copy. What a huge mistake to
make a website look glitzy and NOT have copy that sells! Hardly
makes any sense does it? It's like going to a really bad movie
and to top it off, they just ran out of popcorn!
Think back for a moment.
How many sites you have come across only to dash out right away.
Then think about how many sites that grabbed you instantly and
compelled you to read what they had. I'm sure you'll agree,
more sites have repelled you then ever grabbed you by the shirt
collar and yanked you in... isn't that so?
So, always keep this in mind
before you design your website, prospects will NEVER pull out their
wallets because they like your site design, they do so ONLY when
your words convince them to.
Personally, I would pay for
killer ad copy first and if money permitted, Web design last.
Your website should be designed around your copy... not the
other way around. Doesn't it make more sense to spend your
money knowing your sales rate will go through the roof before you
spend money on a fancy website design?
So why do you see so many
horrible sites that couldn't sell their way out of a wet paper bag?
Writing Killer Ad Copy
For Your Website
Let me start off by saying this.
I've mentioned this already, but it's so important I'm saying it
again. Copy sells, not graphics (pretty
websites). In other words, pictures and Web design have never
sold anyone anything... only words can do that. You must write
to convince people to take action.
Here's an indispensable guideline to follow when writing your ad
1. Create a compelling,
"Must Get More Information" headline first. You have
just a few seconds to capture your visitors attention to sell them
to read on. Your headline MUST draw the reader in to want
more. Amazingly, negative headlines work best. Example: Stop
Being An Internet Marketing Failure - Discover 10 Vital Things You
Need To Do Right Now! This headline will draw anyone, who
is struggling to make sales on the Internet, to want to read more.
It's a negative headline that gets a positive result... "Stop
Being an Internet Marketing Failure" is the negative.
"Discover 10 Vital Things You Need To Do Right Now",
the benefit to draw them in to read more.
Here's another one. Don't
Even Think About Asking For A Refund! Would that draw you
in to read more? Of course it would! People by nature
are drawn in by negative headlines. Why? Most people are
programmed that way. The news on TV screams negativity and
their audiences relish every negative story they can create.
People react to negative stimulus since being told "STOP
THAT!" or "NO!" since childhood. Can
you remember your parents saying that? Most people do and
because of that early negative input being constantly reinforced,
most people have more negative memories than positive ones.
Therefore, people react more predictably to a negative statement
first, than a positive one. Use negative headlines and you have
started a killer ad that will draw in a larger audience to read your
2. Stay away from
using CAPS or BOLD CAPS... if possible. It slows the reader
down and interrupts the flow of your message. Use bold
to emphasize and underlined to really emphasize your points.
Headlines can have every other word, starting with the first letter,
capped. Your copy will be much more effective!
3. Write your copy in an enticing fashion. Keep it compelling
and write to draw the person who reads it, to want more and more.
You can use an interactive format, an enticing format or both. It
does take some practice but look at the copy that sold you. That's
always a good template to start with. Copy the way it was written (without
infringing on copyright laws by stealing their words or exact
phrases) and you'll have a foundation to start with.
4. Write your copy so
each point flows smoothly to the next. This is very important
otherwise you'll lose the reader. Don't be afraid of writing long
copy. If you write it correctly, people will follow it all the way
through. It's a myth that long copy doesn't work.
It actually works the best. (I have written 10 page sales letters
and sold my products better than a full page ad).
5. Save all the good sales letters you come across and
throw away those that scream hype. (Avoid writing hype, it
only makes the potential customer shy away). I have seen
mountains of sales letters (which I save for future reference)
and I always find something I can use later. Strip lines that
sound good to you and inter-mix them into your copy. Change a
few words in the sentence, then rearrange the sentence structure.
In the end... you'll have some great copy! Don't do this with
whole paragraphs, as you will be infringing on copyright, just do so
when you need some good powerful lines. Also, be sure to
change the exact wording of those lines to avoid any legal problems.
6. Once you have sales, request testimonials. Place
them into your copy. They offer credibility and are important to
your success. Your sales will suffer without them. If you are
having trouble getting some, you might consider offering your
service/product free to 3-5 people to get some good written
7. This is extremely important. Your copy must
be free of errors. If you have just one misspelled word or one
incomplete thought, you will be scratching your head wondering why
you're not getting sales. Design your copy to be concise and
thorough, because if it's vague in any way... you will lose the
reader and you will lose sales. By the way, if your copy is vague,
you will find out quickly because people will have questions. If you
are getting the same question over and over again, then you'll know
what to fix. If you are getting sales, without any questions, you've
done a great and thorough job!
8. Writing effective
copy doesn't happen the first time you attempt to write it.
Write your copy one day and then go back to it the
next day. Re-read it out loud and you'll soon
discover you still have more work to do. I have spent as long as 30
days to get a sales letter fine tuned. If it's written right, it
will sound as if you just wrote it, but any professional will know
how much work you really put into it. You will know how effective
your copy is, when you measure it against how many people read it,
verses how many buy it. (Always use a hit counter to
measure your success.)
After you think you have a good
sales letter put together, you probably don't! Here's what you
must do to be 100% certain...
Have 3-5 friends proof
your copy (those who you truly value their opinion).
Ask them to look for spelling errors, grammar mistakes, vague or
incomplete thoughts, and report back to you anything they
find to be a mistake. Tell them to give you their honest feedback
and most importantly, not hold anything back. Tell them they won't
hurt your feelings no matter what they say and emphasize that! (Friends
tend to be polite, so tell them to look at this as if they just
hired you to write this for them and you are charging them $10,000
to write it... did they get their monies worth?) You will
be amazed how this will help you fine tune your copy.
It's noteworthy to know if you
are getting a 5-10% response rate, you have successful copy. But
never settle for that. Continue to improve and test and
improve and test. I've written sales letters that have
pulled as much as a 55% response rate. It can be
done! Take a step back and write a list on how you could
improve your copy. Your list should include the following...
1. Can I be more interactive?
2. Can I improve the benefits?
3. Can I be more clear and concise?
4. Can I offer more value?
5. Can I remove any skepticism by justifying my claims?
6. Can I make it more compelling?
7. Do I have enough convincing testimonials?
8. Can I put in a stronger call for action?
9. Can I offer support?
10. Can I improve my guarantee?
Now, take your copy and break it
into smaller sections. Carefully change the things you need
to, one section at a time. This will help you focus better and
create a better sales letter in the end. You can even take it
to the extreme by taking each paragraph and breaking it down
sentence by sentence until each sentence is fine tuned. The
more time you spend doing this, the better your copy will be.
9. Keep your sentences
and paragraphs as short as possible. It makes it easier
for the reader. If they have a tendency to scroll downwards before
reading your letter, it won't look like such a bad thing to read
10. Never get caught up writing about the features
of your offer.
You must explain the benefits.
The benefits are the ONLY thing a prospect is interested in.
Example: "This widget will save you time, effort and
energy because of the built in features". I just told
you how this widget will benefit you and then listed the feature.
Use that as a rule and your sales will jump up by adding more value
to the customer.
If I said, "This widget will
last a lifetime". It's not as compelling as saying "Think
of all the time, effort and energy this widget will provide you
with its lifetime guarantee". Make sense? I just created more
value because I showed how it can benefit you before I listed the
feature, the lifetime guarantee. Sell the sizzle...
not the steak.
11. When you're writing, include the words "you"
and "your" as often as you can. The customer must see
how this will benefit them... not you.
By saying "Your jewelry will be sent overnight" (rather
than our jewelry) or "you will discover", transfers
ownership psychologically. This will suck the reader into reading
more and help you get more sales.
You should have 3-10 times the
words "you" and "your", rather than
"we", "I", "us", "our", and
"me" in your copy. The reader cares only about how they
benefit... and nothing about you.
12. Always give your contact information, your name
and/or business name, address, including city, state, zip, phone
number, and email address. Try to avoid P.O. Boxes. People may think
you're hiding if you use a P.O. Box, even if you supply them with
everything else. (I don't know whether you buy something without
any contact information, but I never order anything if I can't
contact the person or company.) Providing contact
information also demonstrates your willingness to perform customer
service. By giving your contact information, you are making the
customer feel at ease when they consider placing an order with you.
13. Add free bonuses. Give as much value as you can by
adding free bonuses to your offer. GIVE TILL IT HURTS! This will be
the edge you'll have over your competition. Use free reports or any
high perceived valued products/services, and you will see your sales
increase dramatically! Always place your free bonuses below
your pricing. It adds more value to your offer.
14. Remove skepticism. If your offer sounds too good to
be true, you will have to do the following. Increase your price
and/or justify how you're able to offer so much for so little. You
must remove as much skepticism as possible in order to achieve
maximum profits. Sometimes you can have a product/service that is so
good, it's hard for people to believe you can deliver what you say.
Pricing has a lot to do with your
sales percentages. On one hand, you don't want returns because it's
priced too high and on the other hand, you don't want to prevent
sales because it's priced too low. Find the balance by testing your
pricing and don't be afraid to go too high. You won't know until you
15. Establish a control. Once you develop a sales
letter that gets a 10% response it's easy to just sit back and
settle for that. Don't. Your entire focus should be on marketing and
creating a better result once you have made a commitment to a
product or service you plan to sell.
The difference can be an income
of $50,000 per year versus $500,000 per year. Place your test pages
aside from your control page (the one that works the best)
and work towards a higher percentage rate. Once you establish your
test page is getting a higher response rate, it now becomes your new
control page. Keep repeating the process.
Here is a list of words to avoid using in your copy...
These words will destroy sales.
buy, contract, bad, death, loss, hard, worry, taxes, wrong,
difficult, sell, deal, fail, liability, cost, obligation, decision.
These words create sales!
free, love, amazing, safe, new, benefit, gain, money, happy, glad,
proven, guarantee, fast, results, discover, how you, how to, now,
fun, value, easy, you, your, yours, you'll, healthy, natural, magic,
secret, comfortable, proud, secure, solution.
After you have re-designed your Web page, make sure it views
correctly for those who have their video cards set at 640x480,
800x600 and 1024x768. Also make sure it looks okay in Explorer and
Netscape. Make any necessary corrections if you have to, such as
setting tables correctly. If you don't, it will cost you sales!
After you create your sales
letters and design your website, you will have to market it.
Here are tips for creating killer email ads.
How To Write An Email Ad
That Gets Results
First concentrate on the subject
line. Write a headline (subject) that compels
everyone (100%) to open your email message. This is your first
objective. What doesn't get opened, doesn't get read and will
have no chance to create a sale.
Your subject (the text you
place in the subject field) must create curiosity to get
100% of the people to open your email. Avoid trickery by
writing a subject that has nothing to do with your offer. If
one feels tricked into opening your email, they will delete it right
away. Besides, why would they trust anything you say from that
moment on? Avoid deception and your sales letters will be
Here's where psychology comes
into play. I use subjects that are vague and pose a question
at the same time. Something like this... "Did you
know?" or "Did I explain this to you?"
or "Have you seen this?". These are
just examples, but keep in mind, each have the same ingredient to
get everyone to at least open your email message. These
subjects work 100% of the time because they are asking a question to
the recipient. After all, who can resist not knowing what you are
talking about? People are curious by nature, so they can't
help themselves but to open your email when you ask a question
that's vague. Make sense?
You don't want your subject line
to say "50% off on my widgets" or "Ground
floor opportunity" etc... tipping people off to what
you have before you can explain it. Only a select few will
ever open these emails with this type of subject lines. Keep
in mind, the subject line doesn't sell your product, its sole
purpose is to get the recipient to open their email. In other
words, your goal is not to have a person pre-judge what your email
is about. Your goal is to get them to open your sales letter
so you can create a sale.
Remember, when you are writing ad
copy (subject lines, body messages, website content, or sales
letters) you are really selling every step of the way.
You have to sell each person to open their email, then you must sell
them to read your ad copy (message body) every
step of the way and then, sell them on taking action...
whether they purchase from your email message, call a toll free
number or go to your website.
Most of you will write copy to
get prospects to visit your website. (I should say,
"sell people"... to visit your website.) So, the next
step is to create your copy enticing enough to get
people to take action immediately.
Tip: Write your copy
as if you were talking with a customer face to face (use this
technique for your Web pages primarily). Avoid talking at them,
but rather, with them. Avoid using complex words or concepts. Find a
balance that a fifth grade student would understand, without
insulting anyone's intelligence. Try to talk with them, as if you
would normally do and avoid trying to be someone else. Just be
How To Write Killer Ezine or
Classified Ads
Writing ads for Ezines or
classified sections on the Net are written differently than an email
ad. If you want these ads to pull successfully then you need
to ...
focus on writing headlines. Most classified ad sites only display your
headline, therefore, this is the most critical aspect for these ads
to work.
Again, negative headlines work
best, but the challenge is to create short headlines that are
powerfully worded.
The biggest mistake you should
avoid is writing headlines that make big money claims. Most
people view these headlines as hype and those who look at them are
put on a defensive posture. It's a strategy that doesn't
work. If you want your marketing efforts to succeed, then
set yourself apart from the rest. Use a two step system by
offering something of value free (that being step 1) and then
follow-up with a series of sales letters until they buy (that
being step 2).
Your classified ads should be
short, powerful and designed to create plenty of curiosity. By
designing your ads this way, you will create an action to get more
information. And that's the key! Your classified
ads should only perform one function... the desire for those
who read them to take action and get more information from you.
Here are examples of a couple of classified
ads that pull like crazy.
DON'T Download This Free
Don't do it unless you want a stampede of visitors rushing to your
Don't do it if you think you have to pay for software in order to
results... this is 100% FREE and it works like crazy!
Don't do it if you are already making plenty of money... this can
fatten your wallet even more! $195.00 Bonus Included.
Explosive Marketing Discovery
Get the latest breakthrough in
marketing! If you are not getting visitors flooding into your
website, then you need what we have. It's so powerful it will
turn you from loser to winner quickly. And the best part is,
it's 100% free!
[end of ads]
Keep in mind, the life span of
these ads are short lived. If you are getting lots of exposure
to your ads then you will have to change them from time to time.
You should track each ad you place and measure your response rates.
When you see a decline in responses, then replace them with new ads.
I sincerely hope this information
helps you improve your ad copy skills. -
Henrik Andersson,
webmaster Click
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